How do I configure an Auto-Responder?

The Auto-Responder lets you set an automated response when someone e-mails you. This option can also be handy for terminated employee messages or those on an extended leave (such as maternity) and want to provide an additional contact.

There are a couple methods you can use to access the Auto-Responder:

  1. Option A: Log into My Admin and then select "Change Password".
  2. Option B: Log into Site Admin (Accessible to Domain Owners & Admins ONLY), go to "E-Mail Accounts" and then select "Edit" next to the account in question.

Pro-Tip : If you're setting a timed vacation-type message, make sure you turn it off when you get back. Leaving it on past a specified date makes you look like the guy that left his blinker flashing for 30 miles on the highway.